Python + Shell Tips

A whistle-stop tour of commands, flags and keyboard shortcuts that I wish I'd known about earlier

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Readline shortcuts

readline shortcuts

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The biggest thing I wish I'd understood earlier was how many things used readline, and how many keyboard shortcuts there were.

Not just Bash, used by Python Shell, the Postgres and MySQL shells...

Unto Ctrl+_ Ctrl+P Ctrl+N Ctrl+A Ctrl+E Ctrl+R

You may notice they look like emacs keybindings, but...

set editing-mode vi

in ~/.inputrc

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if you put this in your inputrc, you get vim keybindings instead


http post fizz=b

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Like curl, but nicer
General HTTP debugging tool (but written in Python)
Nice syntax for the HTTP verbs, queries and headers
Shows headers by default (less typing)
but the nicest thing:


http get example

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Is colour!
Syntax highlighted. Really useful for JSON responses to APIs where is also automatically indents.


~$ j bar

~/some/dir/foobar/$ j bar

~/other/barcamp/$ j bar

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tig --all

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Nice colourful interactive output, but still on the commandline

Particularly tig --all, which shows all commits, not just ones in the branch you're currently on.

ipython -i

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actually equivalent to running with pdb or running python \n from ... import *
but possibly faster / nicer

Not to be confused with...

python shell -i ipython

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The other -i
Also recommended

Get a shell for your Django setup with a custom interpreter. ipython has lots of good features, including colours (spot the pattern here)

py.test --pdb

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Using a debugger is something that took me a while to pick up on....

Also pdb++ highly recommended


while [ 1 ]; do inotifywait -r --event modify --exclude ".*\.swp" stats; clear; py.test stats; done

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So, you want to run a test every time a file changes. Many approaches to doing this. This one's general purpose and lightweight.


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Written in Python (+ JS)
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